Example of Communications Integration

This page is set up to give you an example of how powerful the Communication Window is in ChiroPractice Pro. In our example we’re adding a new service to our office Cupping. Here’s an example of a cupping post you could do on your site.

New Service: Cupping

New Service: Cupping

Welcome to ABC Chiropractic…we’re so excited that you’ve joined us as we announce our newest service, cupping. Dr. Joe has been certified by the American Cupping Association to practice cupping and he has been using this with his athletes over the past 6 months.

Set up your cupping appointment with Dr. Joe by clicking here. We sent your user name and password with today’s email. Just select the cupping appointment with Dr. Joe from the appointment type drop down.

Benefits of Cupping

So why would you want to experience cupping?

There are so many benefits to cupping and one of the most important is the relief of pain. Many of our patients see significant pain relief in their back and their lower extremities with cupping and when their Fibromyalgia flares up, cupping is their go to modality.

Other benefits include:

  • Increased blood flow
  • Decreased inflammation
  • Cellulite control
  • Pain control
  • Athletes and Cupping

We’ve found the cupping can be one of the best forms of recovery that you can experience. Cupping can bring much needed blood supply to your recovering muscles and fascia to help you get back in the game faster.

It can also help with injury recover if you were to have swelling. It can help to move swelling and inflammation out of a specific area.

Set Up Your Appointment

If you’re ready to set up your cupping appointment today with Dr. Joe, click here. Select a cupping appointment from the drop down menu under Dr. Joe’s appointment types.

[If you want to log on to set up an appointment, click the link above and use the patient number 202 and this password: patientportal]
