ICD-10 Conversion Tool from ChiroPractice ProICD-10 is coming. It’s been delayed several times, but it does not appear to be getting pushed out again. The deadline for converting to ICD-10 from ICD-9 is October 1st. ChiroPractice Pro has been ready for ICD-10 since we converted to the new insurance billing format (5010) several years ago. Right now we are still defaulting the diagnosis codes to ICD-9 and on October 1st we will change the default to ICD-10.

We have developed a tool called the ICD-10 Code Look Up and Conversion Page. With this tool you can look up both ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes and you can see a crosswalk from ICD-9 to ICD-10. We’ve placed links to this tool throughout the system, primarily where you use diagnosis codes.

Remember though, that ICD-10 is a bit more detailed than ICD-9. This is the simple overview, but we’ll be brining you more content on how this works over the next 8 weeks.

What does ICD-10 mean for you?
You will have to start using ICD-10 codes on October 1st for all electronic billing. Any diagnosis codes that auto-populate in the system will need to be checked and updated.

How do I put ICD-10 codes in the system?
We recommend that create new icd-10 codes in the system using the “Charges” tab in the setup area. Simply create new codes by clicking the “Add New” button. It may help to create new categories for the ICD-10 codes.

How are the ICD-10 codes used in the system?
The system is diagnosis code system independent, meaning that the codes you use for diagnosis do not have to fall under any code system. However, if you do plan on billing insurance then you want to make sure that you are using the appropriate coding system.

How do I bill using ICD-10 or retroactively bill using ICD-9?
Once you have placed the ICD-10 diagnosis codes against the billable charges, you can bill just as you have in the past. On the 5010 Claim form, under the Claim Detail tab about half-way down you will see a heading called “Diagnosis Codes”. Next to this title is a drop-down selection box that allows you to choose either ICD-9 or ICD-10. This is currently set to default to ICD-9 and on October 1st, we will change the default to ICD-10. If you need to bill using ICD-9, just change this setting before you click the send button on the claim form.



Check out the ICD-10 Conversion Tool and make sure you are prepared for ICD-10. As always if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call or email us.
