Episode 11: Advocating for Chiropractic As An Alternative to Opioids, A Life Mission

Episode 11: Changing The World Through Advocacy with Dr. Winn Sams

Want to become an advocate to start advancing the causes that you find most important? Dr. Winn Sams shared these quick tips to get started advocating and you can download the Advocacy Quick Tip Sheet by clicking here:

Changing […]

Episode 11: Advocating for Chiropractic As An Alternative to Opioids, A Life Mission2018-07-10T20:25:53+00:00

Winn Sams on Customizing her EHR

Winn Sams on Customizing Her EHR & Office Solution

Imagine spending $10,000 on an EHR and Office Solution, who promised you flexibility and customization, only to be duped into inflexibility and canned notes?

It happens every day, and customers of these systems are frustrated and feel stuck with a system that does not give them the […]

Winn Sams on Customizing her EHR2018-07-07T13:57:55+00:00